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So far brett has created 961 blog entries.

The rise of anti-Elonism


It seems mainly to affect people who have really never done very much with their lives Read more

The rise of anti-Elonism2024-10-17T11:27:03+01:00

When Bob Dylan Won the Nobel


In the lecture he gave after winning the Nobel Prize for literature, the singer-songwriter spoke about how ‘songs are unlike literature.’ Read more

When Bob Dylan Won the Nobel2024-10-15T18:24:27+01:00

Does Keir Starmer have a soul?


When asked what his favourite novel was, he said he doesn’t have one. A favourite poem? Doesn’t have one Read more

Does Keir Starmer have a soul?2024-10-10T14:35:03+01:00

Israel was right to ignore the West


Kamala Harris warned that the IDF shouldn’t go into Rafah. As she wisely said: ‘I’ve studied the maps’ Read more

Israel was right to ignore the West2024-10-04T10:32:31+01:00

‘Fact check’ has become just another word for censorship


“Fact-checking” is like “fake news”: something that is now entirely in the eye of the beholder. At the vice presidential debate this week, the CBS moderators once again tried to

‘Fact check’ has become just another word for censorship2024-10-04T15:50:33+01:00