About brett

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So far brett has created 935 blog entries.

Why it pays for big brands to get cosy with the world of woke


Banks, brands and all sorts of companies are rushing to align themselves with fashionable political causes, but we should ask hard questions about what this incessant and aggressive virtue-signalling is

Why it pays for big brands to get cosy with the world of woke2022-07-22T12:56:49+01:00

Can we ever be woke enough for the trans extremists?


There is almost nobody who actually hates trans people. Almost no one actually wishes them harm. Ours is a very live-and-let live society, and if people want to dress or

Can we ever be woke enough for the trans extremists?2022-07-15T17:02:13+01:00

Who’ll stop the art attackers?


it turns out that security in British art galleries is even weaker than the British constabulary. Read more

Who’ll stop the art attackers?2022-07-08T18:33:24+01:00

Lesson of Boris Johnson is power is pointless without principles


Anyone who thinks America is badly governed right now can comfort themselves that at least we aren’t Britain. Because for all the insanity of Washington, nothing can beat the utter

Lesson of Boris Johnson is power is pointless without principles2022-07-08T18:31:22+01:00