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So far Editor has created 38 blog entries.

Could homophobia be on the rise?


Liberal-minded people carry around as many presumptions as anyone. But among the most striking is the idea that history goes in one direction; that tomorrow is likely to be better than

Could homophobia be on the rise?2019-09-06T14:54:46+01:00

Pressured, the Southern Poverty Law Center Admits It Was Wrong


British Muslim reformer Maajid Nawaz complained after it defamed him and hurt fund-raising for his organization. It’s now paying him more than $3 million. Any free society must expect that

Pressured, the Southern Poverty Law Center Admits It Was Wrong2019-09-06T14:19:34+01:00

Billy Connolly and the death of free speech


I hope readers will forgive me for returning to a subject I addressed here recently. It was a reflection on the current confusion over who in our society is allowed

Billy Connolly and the death of free speech2019-09-06T14:57:57+01:00

Are Tories fanatics? The New York Times thinks so


The New York Times’s strange jihad against post-Brexit Britain continues. Some readers may have missed the paper’s insistence that having only just finished eating mutton, the British public are currently

Are Tories fanatics? The New York Times thinks so2019-09-06T15:00:09+01:00

New French edition of The Strange Death of Europe


L’étrange suicide de l’Europe est l’histoire d'un continent et d'une culture pris en flagrant délit de suicide. Baisse des taux de natalité, immigration massive, méfiance et haine de soi se

New French edition of The Strange Death of Europe2019-09-06T14:19:13+01:00