
Riots in Britain should be warning to US

If one of your allies starts to fall apart you should notice it. And learn why. This past week Great Britain has been racked with riots and disorder. In Northern Ireland Protestants and Catholics even came out to riot alongside each other for once.

Solzhenitsyn on the West’s ‘Decline in Courage’

In 1978, the author of ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ arrived at Harvard—not to thank America for providing him with a post-Soviet home, but to criticize it.

Israel has shown it can still hit back – and now the world can sleep safer

Leaders in London and Washington don’t like Jerusalem’s tactics. But Tehran’s losses are the West’s gain

Brutal, unfair Olympic beating tragic result of letting biological men compete in women’s sports

Do you enjoy watching men beating up women? I don’t. Any exceptions? Not that I can think of. But the International Olympics Committee have decided otherwise. Watching men beating up women is fine so long as it’s in a huge stadium and televised for all the world to see. Got it?

The Frenchman Who Dreamed Up the Olympics

After an uneasy opening ceremony in Paris, Pierre de Coubertin’s idea that athletics could bring peace feels utopian. Yet it is inspiring.

Will we always have Paris?

If the Olympics go off safely it will be because of months of preparation by every arm of law enforcement. At least one terrorist has already been prevented from carrying out an attack on the Olympics.

The flag-burning, terrorist-supporting anti-Israel protesters are proving Netanyahu right

On Wednesday, I was down in DC to hear Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu give his address to the joint session of Congress. I don’t think I have ever seen a case made so forcefully — not just by the speaker but by the people who had come to town to oppose him.

Kamala Harris is worst candidate imaginable – she was picked by Biden for cynical reason & it’s coming back to bite him

SO it’s happened. Less than a month after his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump, Joe Biden has announced he is not going to run for another term as US President.

Barry Goldwater’s Failure at the RNC

This week, Donald Trump accepted the presidential nomination at the RNC. Barry Goldwater did the same thing sixty years ago—and the speech was his downfall.

David Lammy’s Trump problem

The tone of Lammy’s anti-Trump statements was more millennial troll than statesman-in-waiting.

Kamala Harris proves again she’s not a better candidate than Biden

From the moment she bounded onto the stage Harris reminded people of why this November’s election is Trump’s for the losing. First came the fake-hysteria of finding herself on a stage in front of all these people.

How to Respond to an Almost-Assassination

Yesterday evening’s attack on Donald Trump is reminiscent of the shootings of Ronald Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt—and their pitch-perfect response.