
Keir Starmer may be red, white and blue but the Left is still anti-Britain

A GROWING number of people are ­suggesting that the Leader of the ­Opposition has nothing going for him. And that isn’t quite fair. Keir Starmer has one thing going for him. He isn’t ­Jeremy ­Corbyn.

Hit-job journalism misses the target again

Jordan Peterson’s critics continue to ignore the most interesting thing about him

The disconnect of Davos Man

The only thing messier than a barely regulated internet is one regulated by the people who would like to regulate it

A Bracing Honesty

Review of ‘Friends and Enemies’ by Barbara Amiel

EU wants to punish Brexit Britain because THEY won’t hit vaccination targets until 2024

IT’S funny how the tables can turn isn’t it? Just one month ago this country was being bullied by the EU — and France in particular.

America’s struggle to end extremism

Both Left and Right have seen violence carried out in their name — and done nothing

Liberalism’s abandonment of individual freedom and scepticism of authority is now complete

Twitter’s Trump ban epitomised liberalism’s utter corruption: ‘global public conversations’ are great, unless you stray from the orthodoxy

The Left can’t stop fawning over Joe Biden and Kamala Harris but I fear this won’t end well for America… or Britain

Any friend of America must wish Joe Biden well in his efforts to unite his country. But an honest friend must also admit that he starts his presidency in a truly feeble position.

Where will the American right turn now?

It isn’t a great situation for the world’s most powerful democracy to be in: one in which the only votes you believe in are those that you have won.

President Biden must stay true to his word and unify the American people or face ‘catastrophe’

People often talk about the ‘divided’ nature of American politics, but the truth is this has never been worse.

The Antifa thugs shame America

Andy Ngo’s family came to the United States to escape Communist tyranny. And now he’s had to flee political thugs

The questions no one wants to ask about the Reading terror attack

There is an awful lot going on at the moment. So much, indeed, that stories that might once have detained us now rush past unobserved and all but un-commented upon.