
What the demise of Quilliam teaches us about Britain and Islam

There was much rejoicing among Britain’s Islamists last week when the thinktank and campaigning organisation Quilliam announced that it was closing.

Loathing of the English unites Alba and the SNP in ahistorical self-pity

The ethno-nationalism of their claims has many flaws and rests on ugly terrain

Will David Cameron ever be satisfied?

Too many of our ex-leaders regard ordinary voters with disdain

A life worth honouring; his duty discharged (£)

The Duke’s death has provoked such feeling. Is it because deep down we fear they don’t make them like that anymore?

The politicians we didn’t deserve

Alan Duncan’s diaries epitomise the emptiness of his generation

We don’t need Covid passports or rules that make no sense — we just need our PM to trust us

As lockdown begins to lift, we get an idea of what the post-Covid world is going to look like.

Want to see your friends? Call it a protest

Iwonder exactly when we agreed that it is more of a priority to gather with strangers than to meet loved ones? You might chart a number of moments, but the presumption seems to have become fixed.

Why Easter is music to my ears

Even if you can’t get to a service, you can still be moved by the music of Holy Week

Tragedy of the little Darlings

The relationship between J.M. Barrie and the real life Peter Pan was fatherly, friendly and perhaps something else

Why the Left needs ‘institutional racism’

Their dogmatic approach makes sensible analysis impossible

We don’t need a new law against ‘conversion therapy’

If legislation came into force based on the current arguments, it would backfire because it has been thought through so poorly.

The EU always fails

Riddled with blind obstinance, its vaccine crisis was inevitable