Publishing is now a Left-wing bubble
A letter filled with hysterical analogies indicates an industry in crisis
A letter filled with hysterical analogies indicates an industry in crisis
The collapse of the trial of the soldiers known as A and C has been celebrated. But the case should never have come to court.
The division in America which skyrocketed during the Trump presidency has been far from mollified
Prime-ministerial spouses can be strong figures in their own right, but all have sought to play down any hint that they are attempting to influence government.
Like every Mayor before him, Sadiq Khan views the city as his stage
When did America agree to be lectured at by comedians? The question went through my mind again last month when I made the error of watching Late Night with Seth Meyers.
The role of the ‘Learning Together’ programme in the Fishmongers’ Hall terrorist attack deserves to be examined
No policy, not matter how damaging to ordinary life, will ever be enough to appease the cult of St Greta
Johnny Mercer is right — the Government has failed British veterans
Last year the church set up a ‘taskforce’ whose resulting report (‘From Lament to Action: Report of the Archbishops’ Anti-Racism Taskforce’) is due before the Archbishops’ Council next week. Happily, a copy found its way into my hands first.
MOST of us aren’t great at accepting bad news. But it looks like this country has trouble accepting GOOD news.
Every detail of today’s funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is likely to be pored over in the days ahead. But one aspect which should get particular attention is the musical contribution.