
How Stonewall sacrificed gay rights

Captured by the transgender lobby, it now hounds those it was set up to protect

The West can’t do much as long as the Last Dictator is best pals with Putin

SOMETHING unbelievable happened this weekend over the skies of Europe. An event that European leaders must respond to but are likely to fail at.

Cambridge alumni should withhold donations so long as it is in the grip of this woke vice-chancellor

Under the leadership of a Canadian lawyer called Stephen Toope, Cambridge University has become a home of politically correct absurdity

Diana interview scandal is a scar on the holier-than-thou BBC

Martin Bashir’s interview with Princess Diana raises the most serious questions about what has been going on at the BBC in recent years

Why do parts of Britain erupt whenever Israel defends itself?

As usual whole slews of celebrities and other important figures on the international stage have lamented the fact that Israel has put so much effort into the defence of its own citizens.

Who will make the case for liberty?

Our spineless response to Covid restrictions is an embarrassment

Sorry Prince Harry, but the First Amendment isn’t ‘bonkers’ – and we could do with one in Britain

The constitutional protection of free speech has kept America from falling down the rabbit-hole of policing feelings or claims of upset

The wrath of Nicola Sturgeon

The country may just be emerging from a pandemic, but Sturgeon and co. have decided this is the right time to have another bitter, costly, energy-sapping independence vote.

Biggest threat to the Union is if Scotland leaves because of English indifference

After last week’s elections, the nationalists managed to get the most seats in the Scottish Parliament. They were just short of a majority but added to their previous tally. By one seat.

The EU’s latest immigration crisis

Michel Barnier’s cynical intervention sounds a warning for Europe

At last an end to student snowflakes stifling free speech as universities clamp down on censorship

THERE was a time when university free-speech debates could be seen as elitist. Hardly touching the lives of most people.

Ardern isn’t as lovely as she’d have you believe

The Prime Minister of New Zealand is fawned over worldwide for her empathetic manner. But increasingly, her actions stink.