
Will Europe survive another migrant crisis?

The EU is woefully unprepared for an influx of Afghans

I Miss My Opponents

The mainstream papers and networks are no longer mainstream, let alone centrist. Into that gulf newer, partisan media stepped. In an effort to ward off the competition, the older networks went farther to their own side.

We stood with the US on its darkest days – Joe Biden forgets that

THE Special Relationship between Britain and America has been one of the most important alliances in history. Together we defeated the Kaiser’s Germany. Together we defeated Adolf Hitler.

The flaw at the heart of humanitarian intervention

One of the most interesting aspects of President Biden’s speech on the American withdrawal from Afghanistan is that it shows he suffers from faulty memory syndrome.

Tragedy helps you to enjoy life’s good bits, Shakespeare knew that

NOT many people ever walked into a performance of Romeo And Juliet expecting a comedy. Only today is it necessary to warn them what they are about to see might shock or even upset them.

Biden was always unfit to be president but his Left-wing media cheerleaders didn’t dare admit it

The craven behaviour of the USA’s court media has hidden for too long the president’s deep flaws

Roger Scruton is the heretic we need

The secret radical had no time for lying fools

Why did the BBC bury this detail about a homophobic attack?

In the last decade or so, a sinister group of individuals from a range of organisations have spent their energies trying to rein in the free press.

Joe Biden said: ‘America is back.’ Pity it doesn’t have your back…

REMEMBER when Joe Biden was installed as President of the United States? Remember all the thrills and ”hosannas” from the liberal Left?

Joe Biden sealed Afghanistan’s fate – but it didn’t have to end like this

Biden assured the world that following his withdrawal of American troops there would be no collapse of the Afghan army or government.

America’s divisions will never be masked

Unlike Britain, the US will always be polarised

Unbelievable exam results aren’t the only prizes in this fantasy world

From the economy to the return to normality, the whole country is stuck in a wonderland of handouts