Farewell to Cambridge’s disastrous Vice-Chancellor
You do not have to read between the lines to realise that Toope is leaving because his brief tenure at Cambridge has been an unmitigated disaster, a fact that has become increasingly clear.
You do not have to read between the lines to realise that Toope is leaving because his brief tenure at Cambridge has been an unmitigated disaster, a fact that has become increasingly clear.
It is perfectly plain to most people that a male-born person throttling a woman for sport does not constitute great societal progress. It is possible to hold this view without deciding to carry out a ‘genocide’ of trans people.
Biden, Boris Johnson and Australian PM Scott Morrison unveiled a new AUKUS pact. It will see the three countries work together to build Australia’s first ever nuclear submarines
This week the Prime Minister told the House of Commons that Covid had changed everything and that the pandemic was not in anyone’s manifesto
Like America in those days before 9/11, we think history has gone away again. Until something happens to remind us that history never stops
People might stomach a betrayal on tax, if this government was loyal to its core vote in other areas
Thanks to the largesse of the American taxpayer, the Taliban now has more attack helicopters than the UK, and is better armed than almost every Nato country, apart from the US.
Alastair Campbell bemoans Brexit Britain for not being a bigger player on the world stage. Yet half a decade on from the 2016 vote it is the Remainers like Campbell who take so little interest in the wider world.
In a season finale that the most dystopian screenwriter would have struggled to invent, the elite Taliban unit was itself bedecked in US military gear.
IT turns out that the Taliban don’t take holidays. Despite the August weather it seems the extremists who just retook Afghanistan wouldn’t be taking a summer break.
The reaction to Alok Sharma’s world tour shows much that is wrong with Global Britain
Britain has grown used to a strong America. Now, it must contend with a weak leadership in retreat