
‘The type of person who makes the world work’: remembering Anthony Smith

I’m not sure how many readers know the name of Anthony Smith, who died on Sunday aged 83, but a fair number will.

In the Republicans’ Game of Thrones, somebody needs to step up and kill the king

Donald Trump’s malevolent presence is wrecking the GOP. But who will dare take him on?

Classical Music Without Quotas

Orchestras shouldn’t be affirmative-action programs

Climate extremists have terrified a generation into not wanting children

Instead of combating this alarmist ideology with facts and reason, our authority figures have only pandered to it

The American identity crisis

In such cases anybody can be whatever you want them to be. Convicted paedophiles, armed with guns, stalking around Kenosha threatening to shoot people can be turned into ‘peaceful protestors’. White men can be made black. Fires that burn on camera for all to see can be erased from the collective memory. A thug can […]

Woke generation know nothing about the world – their ignorance is dangerous & fuelled by TikTok and Instagram lies

So more than half of young people have fallen for a doomsday cult that terrifies them on a daily basis.

The dismal truth about the EU has finally been exposed

Brussels purports to be a guardian of rights, but is strangely silent about the treatment of the unjabbed

I’m getting sick of the Tories

Could the government engage in action rather than words please?

Think the ‘bloody border’ issue is a pain? It’s going to get a lot worse

Most people have never heard of Paul Lincoln, the outgoing head of the UK Border Force until he gave his departure speech to colleagues. As boatloads of illegal migrants were streaming into the UK last week, he said ‘Bloody borders are just such a pain in the bloody arse’

MPs aren’t the elite – faceless bureaucrats are

Lords reform is one of the world’s least interesting debates, not just because it is insoluble but because it keeps missing the deeper point. Which is that nobody in either House has very much power anyway.

Joe Biden is just the start of a crisis in Western leadership that emboldens our enemies

As our vainglorious politicians gathered in Glasgow to virtue-signal about the climate, China and Russia were busy making plans

Embracing wokeness is electoral Kryptonite for Biden’s Democrats

Glenn Youngkin’s winning campaign in Virginia partly focused on the hugely galvanising issue of Critical Race Theory