
Even now, nobody wants to confront the awful truth about Britain’s pandemic lockdowns

As the Chinese people protest against zero Covid, some reflection on our own awful experiences might have been expected

Media treats fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried with kid gloves because he was a Dem darling

The slovenly crypto-fraudster was exposed weeks ago. His business was not simply badly handled or the victim of unfortunate circumstances. FTX crypto exchange and the hedge fund Alameda Research went out of their way to defraud investors and users.

Chinese protests bring back memories of Tiananmen Square – but latest outcry could give Chairman Xi real trouble

MASS protests have broken out across China, and it is hard to stress how unusual this is. The Communist Party which rules the country has not faced anything like this since the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.

Fifa has scored a spectacular own goal

Everybody in the world knows why the World Cup is taking place in Qatar. It is because the Qataris are very rich and bribed Fifa officials to have the competition in their inappropriately climated statelet.

Shock stats show government hasn’t just lost control of illegal migration

REMEMBER when we were told that voting to leave the EU would mean we would “take back control” of our borders?

GOP has to get behind Ukraine in order to defeat Putin

There was a time only a decade ago when the Republican Party was full of war hawks. A bit too full, actually. After 9/11 it became a point of patriotism to be behind American military actions in the world. Part of the burden of being a superpower was that America also had to police the […]

The delicious fall of Sam Bankman-Fried

For here we are in the realm of the sort of sanctimonious fraud that our species has known throughout history.

On a visit to Kherson, I see why the Ukrainians will win — with our support

Russia is going to lose this war. And Ukraine is going to win it. How can I say that with confidence? Because yesterday I was in the city of Kherson and saw Russia’s defeat with my own eyes.

The Government’s new migrant deal with France won’t work – here’s why

YESTERDAY our Government signed a new deal with their French counterparts to stop illegal migration on our South Coast. Am I the only one who feels like I have heard all this before?

Britain has finally woken up to the scandal of illegal immigration

Polls show the public has rightfully lost patience over failures to use Brexit to take back control of our borders. A reckoning will follow

The weaponisation of ‘bullying’

While there is much to be said about this, I cannot quite agree that it is bullying. Or at least it can only be called bullying because everything is now called bullying if the accusation is politically expedient to a particular politician’s enemies.

At least our politics hasn’t sunk to US lows

Americans can’t agree about basic facts and will vote for any candidate of their tribe regardless of obvious failings