
While America burns, Xi Jinping’s plot to dominate the world is quietly succeeding

Everywhere you look, China is advancing while the West is distracted by trivialities

‘No tolerance for lawbreakers’ — the lie of San Francisco and NYC

On Tuesday morning, the 43-year old founder of Cash App lay dying on a residential street in San Francisco. Bob Lee had been stabbed repeatedly.

William Blake’s The Lamb

The holy poem that inspired a haunting piece of music.

Our poor deluded MPs

They say that death and taxes are the only certainties in life. But I would add a couple more things to that list. ‘French rioting’ is one. And ‘MPs getting caught trying to make cash on the side’.

Defy the doom-mongers and believe in a better tomorrow for America and ourselves

A new poll out this week made some alarming discoveries. The survey carried out for the Wall Street Journal revealed that just 38% of Americans say that patriotism is “Very important” to them. That is down from 70% in 1998.

mily Dickinson’s Bowl of Gemstones

For most of her life, the great American poet lived a life of solitude in Massachusetts. It was only after she died, at the age of 55, that the world discovered her…

America is being consumed by a terrifying new madness

With Trump potentially facing arrest, the only question now is whether it is about to drive itself off a cliff

The joke is on America

I was brought up on Dan Quayle jokes. You know the ones – like the gag that the then vice-president had turned up in Latin America and apologised for not speaking Latin. Thankfully vice-presidents are no longer a laughing stock. Today we have Kamala Harris.

Disaster when countries look to courts, not ballot box, for politics

Remember “Lock her up”? And the way in which people said that it was “incitement” against Hillary Clinton whenever Donald Trump’s supporters chanted that? Well it seems that for many people in this country, consistency is not a principle.

The Left have no answers for the migrant crisis so cry foul over every idea

In the past year, ever since then Home Secretary Priti Patel announced her Rwanda migrant plan, the Left in this country has been in overdrive.

The Last Words of a Doomed Poet

I mentioned before that poetry seems to arise in situations of extremes. And that the quantity of poetry that a person pours out need not necessarily determine the size or longevity of the poet’s reputation. If anyone vindicates both these judgments, it is Chidiock Tichborne.

The overuse and abuse of ‘fascism’

I do not care to hear the views of a retired footballer or crisp-seller on the matter of immigration. Nor do I wish to hear the views of such a person on the Nazi genocide of European Jewry.