
How to fake it till you make it

Not to sound too much like Kamala Harris during one of her peregrinations on the nature of time, but the thing about the future is that it catches up with you awfully fast.

American and British voters are being failed by the same big immigration lie

Our politicians claim to be seeking to bring the numbers down, while doing nothing to actually achieve that

Sorry, Harry and Meghan — the lies don’t fly in NYC

Every New Yorker knows that any kind of car chase — let alone a two-hour one — is literally impossible in this city.

A Poem for Parents

As C. Day Lewis wrote for his own son, ‘love is proved in the letting go.’

Daniel Penny and the problem with have-a-go heroes

Most New Yorkers have a story of being accosted on the subway. All are only one bad interaction away from never riding it again. Yet the police, on the advice of the left-wing district attorney and others, do next to nothing to protect the residents.

Liberal media circles the wagons around Biden’s corruption

I listened to Wednesday morning´s report of the House Oversight Committee on the Biden family‘s business dealings with amazement.

The Poet Who Captured Immortality

Stephen Spender was not a great poet. But he came close to greatness when he wrote about those who were.

The cost of mass migration

The small boats in the Channel are the most visible symbol of the system being broken. But the tens of thousands coming across this way are the mere tip of the issue. The hundreds of thousands coming in by plane are what make the historic highs.

What happened to Jordan Neely is a city’s failure to police subways and treat mentally ill

Before going any further let’s just say what every New Yorker knows. The city’s subway is unsafe. Every New Yorker knows it. Every New Yorker talks about it. Everyone has a story about it.

he Guardian has called everything from gardening to the countryside racist – but the real problem is themselves

Nothing good about our nation can exist without being denounced as “racist” by The Guardian. Yet it is The Guardian’s own behaviour that can be seen as “racist”.

Shakespeare’s Lesser Known Masterpiece

The song from the poet’s play ‘Cymbeline’ inspires both joy—and sorrow.

The pathology of anti-Semitism

I am afraid that it is the nature of anti-Semitism that it is ineradicable. It can be subdued, and it can be called out, but it cannot be ended ‘once and for all’.