
Does the Met know what jihad means?

Ever since the atrocities in Israel more than two weeks ago, I have had one main thought. Yes, Israel has its problems. But we also have ours. Subsequent weeks have borne that instinct out.

Isolationist Republicans are wrong — we need to stand up for Israel and Ukraine

All eras have a siren call. One that is now growing in our own day is the idea that America can withdraw from the world. And it’s coming from the right.

Was Hamas’ brutal raid on Israel the day liberals realised their delusions about Islamic extremism were dead?

WILL people ever wake up? That’s the question some of us have wondered for decades now. Facts that have been staring us in the face have been ignored. Fantasies that shouldn’t have been entertained have been flattered.

Imagine the outcry from these two women and their allies on the Left if demonstrators celebrated the murder of George Floyd

There are times when you wonder how history happened. And other times when you realise how it did. The past two weeks have been one such time.

The Sweet Glee of Schadenfreude

Clive James describes the devilishly delightful feeling of seeing another author fail.

Why do we allow protests that glorify slaughter?

There are times when you wonder how history happened. And other times when you realise how it did. The past two weeks have been one such time.

The aftermath of Hamas’s attack on Israel has exposed the West’s moral collapse

The protests we are seeing have nothing to do with Israel and everything to do with problems here at home

A new generation of hate rises in America

Across this country there has been an outburst of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate. And it isn’t from gnarled old bigots of the type Hollywood would paint. It is from youngest people in the country. From the youngest members of Congress. From the youngest people on campus. And from people like Mika who think they’re radically […]

Britain must stand up against those who support Hamas

Israel is the only country in the world which is expected to accept with equanimity the mutilation of its citizenry.

Hamas horror quickly reveals the bigots in our midst

Sometimes a flare goes up in the darkness and you can see where everyone is standing. That has certainly been the case since the appalling massacres in Israel last Saturday.

A Time of War

A passage from the Bible reminds us that the line between peace and horror is alarmingly thin.

Do I have a ‘work addiction’?

Elon Musk’s fortune has not been amassed through him taking great chunks of ‘me time’. And while his domestic life may have been tricky at times, that probably comes as part of the built-in price.