
We need to talk about Kevin Spacey

When you remove the baggage with the male-to-female power dynamic, other dynamics come into view

Biden betrays Israel for the feeling of a few clueless college students

Biden seems to be bowing to pressure from some of his own base. As someone joked a few months back, Biden does indeed want to focus on a two-state solution, but the two states are Minnesota and Michigan.

I witnessed Israel choosing life as it fights against a ‘death cult’

Adapted from Douglas Murray‘s speech Monday as The Post columnist accepted the Manhattan Institute’s Alexander Hamilton Award: I’ve never seen as much of the best and the worst of humankind as I have in the past six months in Israel and Gaza.

William F. Buckley on ‘Pushing Old Ladies Around’

In 1988, the conservative speaker used humor to contrast America and the Soviet Union—making a point that wasn’t just funny but true.

Do many women want to be train drivers?

I’m not sure I want much creativity in my train drivers. I prefer them to be slightly plodding, uncreative types

College idiots calling for ‘Intifada’ have no idea how many innocents have died from that word

This one is for the morons. For the students busily cosplaying at being terrorists on our city’s campuses. The automatons whose new radical-chic uniform is an Arab keffiyeh.

Allan Bloom on the ‘Charmed Years’ of College

In 1987, the political philosopher warned an audience of freshmen of the perils of not thinking for themselves.

Following Napoleon: my exile in St Helena

A lifesize statue of Napoleon stands on the balcony. It takes a few days to get used to him

Americans realise freedom with the occasional bit of offence is OK – we seem to be going other way

Thanks to the first amendment, the right to freedom of speech has been enshrined in law from America’s founding

International Criminal Court’s vicious smear tactics against America’s allies

A British prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague called Karim Khan is going to try to bring a war-crimes case against an American ally.

The BBC has gone to war on our civilisation

A new trigger warning on Kenneth Clark’s 1969 series reflects dangerous Western self-laceration

‘We Will Fight with Stones in Our Hands’

Months before Israel achieved independence in 1948, Golda Meir came to America, asking for help in the battle for survival.