
When Margaret Thatcher Refused to Jump

In a 1995 interview, the Iron Lady gave a lesson on the perils of popularity.

My message for Columbia’s protesting students

I told them that while they may know something, the chances are that people older than them know more

Advice to Donald Trump for the debate: Just let bumbling Biden talk!

In 2020, I watched the first Trump-Biden debate like most people. Through my fingers. Trump was not just too aggressive. He wouldn’t shut up. “Let him talk” I kept shouting at the screen. But Trump wouldn’t.

Why do the UN and BBC mourn ‘Butcher of Tehran’ who hated the West and hanged rape victims?

Why should we have any respect for a man who wanted to start a massive war in the Middle East throughout his entire life?

The Creator of Peter Pan on How to Grow Up

Over a hundred years ago, J.M. Barrie told the graduating class of St. Andrews never to lose heart—even in the face of death.

Why is it so hard to be a Christian in public life?

Kate Forbes was treated as though she was not just some kind of anomaly, but some sort of monster

Take off the masks, you anti-Israel cowards!

Protesters aren’t really scared of COVID — they’re hiding shame of their prejudice

‘The Body of a Woman and the Heart of a King’

Queen Elizabeth I had no children herself, but on the banks of the Thames, staring down the Spanish Armada in 1588, she gave birth to a nation.

We need to talk about Kevin Spacey

When you remove the baggage with the male-to-female power dynamic, other dynamics come into view

Biden betrays Israel for the feeling of a few clueless college students

Biden seems to be bowing to pressure from some of his own base. As someone joked a few months back, Biden does indeed want to focus on a two-state solution, but the two states are Minnesota and Michigan.

I witnessed Israel choosing life as it fights against a ‘death cult’

Adapted from Douglas Murray‘s speech Monday as The Post columnist accepted the Manhattan Institute’s Alexander Hamilton Award: I’ve never seen as much of the best and the worst of humankind as I have in the past six months in Israel and Gaza.

William F. Buckley on ‘Pushing Old Ladies Around’

In 1988, the conservative speaker used humor to contrast America and the Soviet Union—making a point that wasn’t just funny but true.