External links to articles Douglas Murray has written for various publications
![The Telegraph](
Twenty years after 9/11, the Western world has tragically lost the will to win
Like America in those days before 9/11, we think history has gone away again. Until something happens to remind us that history never stops
![The Telegraph](
If Boris puts up taxes, why would any conservative vote Tory ever again?
People might stomach a betrayal on tax, if this government was loyal to its core vote in other areas
![The Spectator](
America, the Taliban and a farewell to arms
Thanks to the largesse of the American taxpayer, the Taliban now has more attack helicopters than the UK, and is better armed than almost every Nato country, apart from the US.
![The Spectator](
What can we learn about Afghanistan from Alastair Campbell?
Alastair Campbell bemoans Brexit Britain for not being a bigger player on the world stage. Yet half a decade on from the 2016 vote it is the Remainers like Campbell who take so little interest in the wider world.
![The New York Post](
We have armed the Taliban to cause destruction in Afghanistan and elsewhere for generations
In a season finale that the most dystopian screenwriter would have struggled to invent, the elite Taliban unit was itself bedecked in US military gear.
![The Sun](
The way Afghan operation has finished is a colossal, massive, generational screw-up
IT turns out that the Taliban don’t take holidays. Despite the August weather it seems the extremists who just retook Afghanistan wouldn’t be taking a summer break.
![The Telegraph](
Good luck convincing China to stop burning coal
The reaction to Alok Sharma’s world tour shows much that is wrong with Global Britain
![The Telegraph](
Can the world afford another three and a half years of President Biden?
Britain has grown used to a strong America. Now, it must contend with a weak leadership in retreat
Will Europe survive another migrant crisis?
The EU is woefully unprepared for an influx of Afghans
![National Review](
I Miss My Opponents
The mainstream papers and networks are no longer mainstream, let alone centrist. Into that gulf newer, partisan media stepped. In an effort to ward off the competition, the older networks went farther to their own side.
![The Sun](
We stood with the US on its darkest days – Joe Biden forgets that
THE Special Relationship between Britain and America has been one of the most important alliances in history. Together we defeated the Kaiser’s Germany. Together we defeated Adolf Hitler.
![The Spectator](
The flaw at the heart of humanitarian intervention
One of the most interesting aspects of President Biden’s speech on the American withdrawal from Afghanistan is that it shows he suffers from faulty memory syndrome.